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STIR Talk with Professor Wittlin: The Great Cultural Divide Over…Intellectual Property?

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
McCollum Hall Room: Student Lounge
1875 N 42nd St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: LAW
Katie Pfannenstiel, 472-8382,
S.T.I.R. stands for Share, Think, Inspire, Relax. S.T.I.R. Talks were created in order for students to learn more about what the College’s professors are researching but also, a time to enjoy snacks, a drink, and relax. The professor has 15 minutes to present their topic, after which students and faculty are encouraged to discuss recent research regarding Cultural Cognition.

Cultural cognition research aims to describe why people polarize over the facts underlying contentious national debates, such as climate change or gun control. Do the same dynamics apply to intellectual property? Despite an explosion in the quantity and quality of empirical evidence about the IP system, IP policy debates have become increasingly polarized. In this STIR talk, I will discuss cultural cognition generally, then discuss a new study investigating why people in-the-know disagree about whether intellectual property regimes are necessary to incentivize innovation and creativity.

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