CDO: Strengths Based Career Development
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
McCollum Hall
Room: Auditorium
1875 N 42nd St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: LAW
Meghan Rivera, (402) 472-5130,
As Dean Everman discussed during 1L Orientation, employers are seeking candidates who are self-aware. There are many self-assessment tools, but everyone at Nebraska Law takes the Clifton Strengthsfinder so we share a common language. Due to the generous donation of an alumna for this purpose, we can offer all of our students the opportunity to complete this highly regarded assessment based on 40+ years of research. All 1Ls should have reported their Top 5 strengths to or completed the Strengthsfinder assessment prior to this program and ALL 1L students should be in attendance. Any questions, please contact Meghan in the CDO or email
Bring your own lunch but cookies will be provided!
Bring your own lunch but cookies will be provided!