All events are in Central time unless specified.

Professional Headshots for the Class of 2025 and Class of 2027

Starts at 9:00 am
McCollum Hall Room: Room 171
1875 N 42nd St
Lincoln NE 68583
For 3Ls: This is an opportunity for you to a) have a professional headshot taken and then purchase for you to use as you wish (a link will be sent after the photographer has edited photos) and b) this photo will be used for the Senior Transcript, which is a keepsake magazine that outlines your time at Nebraska Law (more details to follow later in the semester). For the purpose of the magazine, we will not use your 1L photo, so please keep that in mind, as otherwise you will not have a photo.

For 1Ls: Your headshots may be used in a variety of ways throughout the next two years which could include announcements, award recognition, seating charts, etc. It’s important to have an updated and accurate photo, which you can also use for LinkedIn and email.

9:00 - 11:00 a.m.: 1Ls
11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.: 3Ls
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. 1Ls (if unable to attend first session)

Room 171 (across from the Courtroom)
No appointment necessary
Business attire

The times specified per class are important, as our photographer uses different backgrounds so she can distinguish between the classes. If you are a 3L, please do not come during the 1L timeframe and vice versa.
If you are unable to attend (only due to illness or immovable previous engagements), please contact Katie Pfannenstiel. Based on need, we will work with the photographer to determine a make-up date.

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