3 points in .3 Discussion series with Prof. Eric Berger
12:30 pm –
1:00 pm
We know lawyers bill time in six-minute increments. In this new virtual program, Nebraska Law faculty and administrators will present different areas of work or research each week, individually only lasting 18 minutes. The presenter will have 12 minutes to present their material, then attendees will have six minutes to ask questions. The series will run each Wednesday from Jan. 20-May 5 in a virtual format.
In this session, Prof. Berger will discuss The Lethal Injection Stalemate. Federal courts have been consistently deferential to states in cases challenging the constitutionality of lethal injection protocols. States, however, continue to have serious difficulties assembling a viable lethal injection protocol. Courts have blamed these difficulties on “activists” waging “guerrilla war” on capital punishment, but, in reality, a variety of mostly uncoordinated actors motivated by distinct norms has contributed to states’ lethal injection woes. To register, visit https://go.unl.edu/3points.
In this session, Prof. Berger will discuss The Lethal Injection Stalemate. Federal courts have been consistently deferential to states in cases challenging the constitutionality of lethal injection protocols. States, however, continue to have serious difficulties assembling a viable lethal injection protocol. Courts have blamed these difficulties on “activists” waging “guerrilla war” on capital punishment, but, in reality, a variety of mostly uncoordinated actors motivated by distinct norms has contributed to states’ lethal injection woes. To register, visit https://go.unl.edu/3points.