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Libraries & Affordable Content: Partnerships, Incentives, and Impacts

9:30 am – 11:00 am
Love Library South Room: 218
1248 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: LLS
Joanie Barnes, (402) 472-6987,
The soaring cost of higher education, development of new open educational resources publishing models, and the changing market for traditional textbook publishers have prompted numerous institutions to undertake affordable content efforts in order to reduce the cost of and insure equitable first day access to course materials for students. Libraries, with both content expertise and historical support for alternative course materials (through print and electronic reserve, copyright, and other services), have stepped up to lead affordable content initiatives at many institutions. These affordable content initiatives are typically highly collaborative and involve a wide variety of central service providers, administrators, faculty and students. In this session, learn more about a range of affordable content programs, including faculty incentive programs focused on replacing expensive commercial textbooks, the impacts of these efforts for faculty and students, and how librarians and staff can collaborate and contribute to affordable content in a variety of roles.
Kristi Jensen is the Program Development Lead for the eLearning Support Initiative at the University of Minnesota Libraries. She co-manages the Libraries’ Partnership for Affordable Content grant program, is working with campus partners (the Center for Educational Innovation, Academic Technology Support Services, and the Disability Resource Center) to develop a streamlined and highly coordinated Teaching and Learning support model on campus, and works with partner institutions through the Unizin Teaching and Learning group to further Affordable Course Content efforts. She is currently co-editing a book about affordable content efforts across the U.S., The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples, to be published in the summer of 2018.

Coffee and refreshments will be served at 9am.

Sponsored by Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor,
Information Technology Services, NU Online,
University Libraries, Follett Bookstore,
Innovative Instructional Design

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