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History in your hands:

The autograph and manuscript collection of Stuart P Embury M.D.

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Love Library South Room: Room 29, Archives & Special Collections Reading Room
1248 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Directions: Lower level of Love Library South
Additional Info: LLS
Joan Barnes, (402) 472-6987,
On June 7, Stuart P. Embury, MD, Nebraska alum, collector, and donor will talk about an eclectic selection of items from his autograph and manuscript collection, at 5:30 pm in the Archives & Special Collections Reading Room, Love Library South Room 29. You will have an opportunity to learn about and see letters by American and European artists, the U.S. Civil War, Albert Schweitzer, and more.

Stuart P. Embury, MD, graduated from both UNL (1966) and UNMC (1969) and practiced 35 years as a family physician in Holdrege, NE. He amassed more than 11,000 books and exhibition catalogues, one of the top private book collections on American Art in the United States, which he donated to the University of Nebraska Foundation, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections in 2010.

The Stuart P. Embury MD Library of American Art contains primary material and books covering all major and many minor figures in American Art including painters, sculptors, and printmakers. There are thousands of exhibition catalogues including nearly complete runs from the National Academy of Design and Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Some of the titles were published in the 1800’s. There are numerous catalogue raisonnes of major artists work such as Whistler, Remington, Inness, and many others.

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