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Ananth Hariharan, UNL

Tales of a Local Algebraist

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Avery Hall Room: 115
1144 T St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: AVH
Sylvia Wiegand, (402) 472-7248,
Abstract: This talk will begin with examples of Artinian rings (mainly quotients of polynomial rings) and some structures defined over them. We will then explore (through examples) a special sub-class called Gorenstein Artin rings. Finally, I will talk about Gorenstein colength, a number that shows how close an Artinian ring is to being Gorenstein Artin.
This will be a non-rigorous and self-contained (as far as possible) talk. Prereqs include the knowledge of polynomials and computing partial derivatives of polynomials.

Local Host: Srikanth Iyengar

Additional Public Info:
The talk is preceded by refreshments at 3:30 p.m. in Avery Hall 348.

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