Jennifer Newman, Iowa State University
Hiding in plain sight: what a good steganography database will get you
4:00 pm –
4:50 pm
George Avalos,
Since at least the time of Herodotus, steganography in its various forms has been used to pass hidden messages. Digital Image steganography continues the tradition, and today mobile devices carry apps that anyone can easily use to send a hidden message in a picture. While the academic community has focused much attention on sophisticated detection algorithms to detect sophisticated academic embedding (hiding) algorithms, detection of stego images in real-world scenarios has lagged far behind. Thus was born StegoAppDB, an image forensic database specifically designed for supporting research and development work in steganography and other image forensics areas, consisting entirely of data generated from mobile phones. This talk gives the basics of steganography and presents results from published results in our research group at the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE).
Additional Public Info:
Hosted by George Avalos