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William Tidwell, Morehead State University

Development of Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical Modeling Competencies and Conceptions

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Yvonne Lai,
Over the last two decades, the mathematics education community increased research on and attention to the education of prospective teachers in mathematical modeling. Much research is devoted to better preparing future and current middle and high school teachers in teaching modeling within teacher education. Yet, standards across the United States include mathematical modeling in elementary grades. The Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education (GAIMME) report (2016) emphasizes modeling in elementary grades to help students develop skills in modeling for later grades. To better understand elementary teachers’ conceptions of mathematical modeling, research was conducted using mathematical modeling curricular units that were implemented in mathematics content courses for prospective elementary teachers. The curricular units emphasized the mathematical modeling process focusing on the various elements of and approaches to modeling rather than solely on the final models. In addition to student-created models and reports, questionnaires assessing conceptions and reflections on the modeling process were collected during two modeling units across the course of a semester. In this colloquium, we discuss the findings from implementing these mathematical modeling curricular units and their impact on prospective elementary teachers’ conceptions of mathematical modeling.

Additional Public Info:
Hosted by Yvonne Lai

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