Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
3:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Lindsay Augustyn, (402) 472-8979,
The Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics is for outstanding undergraduate mathematicians at all stages of their careers. Students will have the opportunity to meet other women who share their interest in the mathematical sciences, and those who have already done research apply to the conference and are selected to present their results. Conference participants also will have a chance to learn about life in graduate school from the perspective of current women graduate students representing math departments from across the country, including the Department of Mathematics.
The three plenary talks are:
– Margaret Holen, lecturer, Princeton University, and retired partner, Goldman Sachs
– Zhilan Feng, professor, Purdue University
– Christine Darden, NASA Langley Research Center, retired Senior Executive Service
Check the website for more details and schedule.
The three plenary talks are:
– Margaret Holen, lecturer, Princeton University, and retired partner, Goldman Sachs
– Zhilan Feng, professor, Purdue University
– Christine Darden, NASA Langley Research Center, retired Senior Executive Service
Check the website for more details and schedule.