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Nathan Wakefield and Rachel Funk, UNL

Promoting a Community of Practice in the Age of Social Distancing

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Avery Hall Room: 115
Allan Donsig,
National guidelines for social distancing in light of the COVID-19 virus have pushed universities across the country, including here at UNL, to move to significantly more remote interactions. As a department, prior to COVID-19, we had developed a strong graduate student community of practice, we developed a culture in which graduate students were encouraged to work together as they develop their skills as teachers. We conducted a mixed methods study of how this transition affected graduate student instructors (GSIs) in first year mathematics courses. Our data shows that through careful planning and work, many aspects of the already established community of practice can be preserved despite extensive social distancing.

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This event originated in Math Colloquia.