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Jennifer Clarke, UNL Departments of Statistics and Food Science & Technology

The Venn Diagrams of Data Science

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Via Zoom
Directions: Meeting ID: 953 4937 93
Petronela Radu,
Over the past decade, data science has evolved into a recognized scientific discipline. We will discuss what is `data science’, why the discipline has seen such explosive growth, and what opportunities exist in data science for mathematical scientists. The associated push for interdisciplinary collaborations will be a focal point, where we view mathematics and statistics as distinct yet complementary fields of expertise. Additional topics will include the emphasis in academia on open science and reproducibility, and the growing importance of advanced cyberinfrastructure.
Hosted by Petronela Radu and Mikil Foss.

Zoom Meeting ID: 953 4937 9380

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This event originated in Math Colloquia.