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Susan Hermiller, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Algorithms for groups of homeomorphisms of the interval [0,1]

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Via Zoom
Directions: Meeting ID: 953 4937 93
David Pitts,
The group PL([0,1]) of homeomorphisms of [0,1] that are built piecewise from linear functions includes many important subgroups, particularly the group known as Thompson’s group F that appears in research in many areas including logic, group theory, topology, operator theory, etc. For finitely generated “computable” subgroups of PL_+([0,1]) (including Thompson’s F), we use topological properties of the generating homeomorphisms to build algorithms that solve a variety of problems. In this talk I will give an overview of a few fundamental computational questions in group theory, and I will describe (in pictures and words) algorithmic solutions for computable subgroups of PL_+([0,1]). This is joint work with Collin Bleak and Tara Brough.

Additional Public Info:
Hosted by David Pitts

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This event originated in Math Colloquia.