Opera Scenes
‘Love in a Time of War’
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Westbrook Music Building
1104 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: WMB
Brian Reetz, (402) 472-6865, breetz2@unl.edu
War, by definition, means conflict. War can manifest in many ways, and is not limited to the physical reality of bombs and explosions. Personal, cultural, political, and emotional conflict can create an atmosphere of war within ourselves and within our relationships. In the midst of war, however, love finds a way to coexist. Today’s program explores the way war appears in varied and insidious forms in human life, and the consequences it can have on love.
Students in the spring Opera Techniques course will be presenting a collection of opera scenes. This performance is the final project for the course, which teaches students how to research, prepare and perform an operatic role.
Students in the spring Opera Techniques course will be presenting a collection of opera scenes. This performance is the final project for the course, which teaches students how to research, prepare and perform an operatic role.
Additional Public Info:
Free and open to the public.