The Nebraska Women in Agriculture program celebrates 40 years with a photo gallery exhibition, “Legacy of Leadership: Faces of Nebraska Women in Agriculture”.
Join us on Monday, October 7th from 12 – 1 p.m. During the hour you will learn about Lancaster County Attorney’s Office Summer Associate program, and the firm, and have an opportunity to ask questions from a few of our attorneys.
Development of a universal influenza vaccine remains a major public health challenge for prevention of severe respiratory diseases even after the emergence of COVID-19. The primary focus of universal influenza vaccine studies has been developing …
Please join us as we bring you the next presentation in the Plant Pathology Fall 2024 seminar series! Jensen Wong, PhD student in the Tatineni lab will be giving a presentation, title TBA. We will meet at 4pm online via Zoom and in-person in Keim 264 …
Christian Eaton, doctoral student, UNL School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) will present “Host genotype-dependent outcome of BVDV-1 infection” as part of the School’s fall seminar series.