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Tour/Open House

Early Season Interseeded Cover Crop Driving Tour - June 29, 2021

8:45 am – 10:00 am
Clay County - Chad Dane
Directions: Begin at Corn: 1/2 mile north intersection Hwy 6 & Rd K, east side of road. Soybean: 1/2 mile south intersection Rd 319 and Rd O, west side of road.
Additional Info: 30” Corn and Soybean
Jenny Rees, (402) 362-5508,
This driving tour will provide an opportunity for interested individuals to view interseeded fields at a location closest to them or to view as many locations as they would like. There is no charge. RSVP is only required for individuals desiring a boxed lunch. See details below. Viewing of the fields will occur only at the times listed to allow for the cooperators to tour the other locations.

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