Better Process Control School for Acidified Foods – Online
8:30 am –
5:00 pm
Jill Gifford, (402) 472-2819,
This two-day school provides the practical application of the principles set forth by these regulations. These FDA regulations also apply to low-acid canned companion-animal foods. This school DOES NOT satisfy retort processing requirements. Individuals requiring this certification should attend the Better Process Control School. This school is specifically designed for individuals with little or no food science or food safety background.
Intended audience: Supervisors of shelf stable, acidified low acid food processing operations, and food container closure operations.
The fee for this 2-day workshop, which includes a textbook, is $450 per person.
Register here:
Intended audience: Supervisors of shelf stable, acidified low acid food processing operations, and food container closure operations.
The fee for this 2-day workshop, which includes a textbook, is $450 per person.
Register here: