All events are in Central time unless specified.

Wednesday, June 15

Art Exhibition

Sundering Microcosm, An Art Exhibition

Recurring Date Info:
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Location: Link, 2nd Floor
Sundering Microcosm is a collection of selected works from Omaha based artist, Jave Yoshimoto. The mix of works include screen printed pieces, as well as laser cut relief sculptures built at Nebraska Innovation Studio. The works displayed focus on …

Ongoing Events


Canceled: Environmental Monitoring - Hands-On Training Workshop

12:00 pm – 12:00 pm
Location: Innovation Campus
Understanding the microbial condition of your plant is key to the overall success of your food system. The Food Processing Center and Merieux NutriSciences have teamed together to provide a unique training opportunity. Together they will provide …
This event originated in FST & FPC Events.