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Formation of Antihydrogen from Positronium-Antiproton Collisions

Comprehensive Exam

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 245
Physics Department, (402) 472-2770,
Speaker: Harin Ambalampitiya

Experiments done on antihydrogen are extremely important as they can provide answers to the most fundamental questions in physics: does antimatter interact differently with gravity?, does the CPT-theorem hold for antimatter?, why does matter dominate in the universe?, to name a few questions. To provide a base for the experiments, theoretical estimates for the antihydrogen formation in particular reaction mechanisms are paramount. In this work, we will first review on several important methods for antihydrogen formation, both from the theoretical and experimental perspectives. Next we will mainly concentrate on the charge transfer process in positronium-antiproton collisions which lead to formation of antihydrogen. We will compare the classical and quantum mechanical methods that calculate the charge transfer cross sections. Our review finds that the classical approach to calculation of the cross sections is efficient and reliable. Finally, we will outline a new method to possibly enhance the formation antihydrogen from positronium-antiproton collisions.

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