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Physics and Astronomy Colloquium

The Quantum Valley Hall Effect and Topological Valleytronics

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Theodore Jorgensen Hall Room: 136
855 N 16th St
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: Dr. Jun Zhu will present her colloquium topic in person.
Target Audiences:
Physics Department, (402) 472-2770,
One-dimensional edge states arising from a system of non-trivial bulk topology are potential quantum information carriers and platforms to explore the physics of topology and interactions. In this talk, I will discuss our effort in realizing the quantum valley Hall effect and the properties of its edge state, the kink states. Using van der Waals stacking and precision lithography, we create valley-momentum locked kink edge state transport. The quantization is robust to temperatures of tens of Kelvin, which bolds well for potential applications. The all-electrical construction of the kink states gives us the ability to realize a variety of electron quantum optics operations, not in an edge state platform. I will show the workings of a reconfigurable ballistic waveguide, a topological valley valve, and a continuously tunable electron beam splitter. The cleanness and controllability of the kink states enable future experiments in helical Luttinger liquid and its use as quantum information highways.

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