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The Orange Book Workshop

Teacher workshop demonstrating “High School Economics 3rd Edition”.

10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Howard L. Hawks Hall Room: 204
730 N 14th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: HLH
Nebraska Council on Economic Education , (402) 472-2333,
In this session, teachers will receive a copy of “High School Economics 3rd Edition” and will participate in demonstrations in 4 lessons from this book. Teachers who participate will receive a $75 stipend, a copy of the book, and a class set of resources of all 4 demonstrated lessons. Lunch will be provided.

To complete registration, a $25 refundable deposit is required. Please mail a check made out to NCEE at 730 N 14th St. HLH 201. Lincoln, Nebraska 68588.

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This event originated in Nebraska Council on Economic Education.