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The Value and Use of Peer Support Within the Behavioral Health System

Dr. Patrick Hendry

10:00 am – 11:30 am
Lindsey Button, (402) 472-5772,
In this 90-minute workshop, Dr. Patrick Hendry will show Nebraska behavioral health providers how to champion the introduction of peer support into new and existing services by addressing three key areas of importance:
1. The value of peer support: what it is and is not, certification, which services can most benefit, and where you will see returns.
2. The decision to implement and/or improve peer support services and how to prepare your organization.
3. Preparing to employ peer support staff: hiring, supervising, and
providing support.

An application has been made for 1.5 APA and Nebraska LADC continuing education hours. Participants must attend the entire training to be eligible for continuing education hours.

For more information and to register for Zoom link, go to:

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