CAS Inquire
“Using What You Know to Filter through Climate Controversy”
5:30 pm –
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Swanson Auditorium
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Virtual Location:
Webinar ID: 975 0242 4199
Target Audiences:
Sarah Smith,
Most of us are able to assess expert testimony in domains of interest using the background knowledge we have due to our interest. With sufficiently good background information we can do this in most fields, even those where there is much controversy. Most of us in fact know enough to do this even when it comes to human caused climate change, whether we realize it or not. This should put us in a position to see that the theory fits well with relatively basic scientific knowledge, and also to understand how climate modeling can represent reality even while it isn’t perfect.
Mark van Roojen is the Professor of Philosophy at UNL.
Webinar ID: 975 0242 4199
Registration Link:
Mark van Roojen is the Professor of Philosophy at UNL.
Webinar ID: 975 0242 4199
Registration Link:
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This event originated in College of Arts and Sciences.