Ross Movie
5:00 pm
Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center
Room: Ross Theaters (123 & 124)
Target Audiences:
313 N 13th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: RVB
Meghan Stratman, 402-472-9100, mstratman3@unl.edu
Showing at The Ross February 16-22. Visit www.theross.org for tickets, show times, and more information. In a bustling Mexican household, seven-year-old Sol is swept up in a whirlwind of preparations for the birthday party for her father. As the day goes on, Sol begins to understand the gravity of the celebration. This poignant and emotionally expansive film from Lila Avilés (THE CHAMBERMAID) cements her skill at directing dynamic ensemble performances in her stunning sophomore effort