NURAMP: Award Administration
1:00 pm –
3:30 pm
Whittier Building
Room: Room 152
This session of the NU Research Administration Management Program (NURAMP) covers procedures for setting up accounts, managing subcontracts, documenting allowable costs, making post-award changes, closing an award, and participating in an audit.
Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office: Safe and Civil Discourse Workshops
Facilitating Civil Discourse in Learning Spaces
1:30 pm –
3:00 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Goldenrod/Sunflower Room
The Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office is hosting a workshop on safe and civil discourse March 6 at the Nebraska East Union and March 27 at the Nebraska Union.
“Comic Book Physics: Marvel, DC and Metallurgy” a SciPop Talk by Dan Claes
7:00 pm
Love Library South
Room: Room 221
This free and public lecture will examine the science behind fictional elements Adamantium, Kryptonium, Nth Metal and Vibranium and the existence of super materials.
UNL Women’s Coalition: Speaker Andi Zeisler
Don’t Just Change the Channel: Why Pop Culture Matters to Feminism, Activism, and Social Justice
7:30 pm –
9:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Auditorium
UNL Women’s Coalition invites you to join us for a special evening during the 2019 Women’s Week, sponsored by the UNL Women’s Center!