Crafting Papers for Publication with CB3 Club
Social and Cognitive Psychology Program
12:30 pm
CB3 Room: B60
CABIN and CB3 Club
The CABIN (originally Cognition and Biopsych in Nebraska) brown bag series features speakers and presentations relating to Cognition and Neuroscience, broadly defined. The talks take place every other Monday at 12:30 pm in B60 CB3. CB3 Guest Speakers and Department Guest Speakers are also often accomodated during these times. CB3 Club takes place on off weeks of CABIN at the same time in the same room. Whereas CABIN tends to be more formal research-driven presentations, CB3 club can serve a variety of different purposes (journal club, roundtable discussion of academic issues, job and career advice). We are happy to receive recommendations for topics/issues you would like to see addressed in CB3 Club
Summer 2019
CB3 Club
June 3rd: The PhD experience (Sverdlik et al., 2018)
June 10th: Using Git
June 17th: R Markdown
July 1st: Applying for grant funding
July 8th: Improving the grad experience
July 15th: Data blitz
July 22nd: Crafting papers for publication (Patriotta 2017)
July 29th: Creating your own website in Github
The CABIN (originally Cognition and Biopsych in Nebraska) brown bag series features speakers and presentations relating to Cognition and Neuroscience, broadly defined. The talks take place every other Monday at 12:30 pm in B60 CB3. CB3 Guest Speakers and Department Guest Speakers are also often accomodated during these times. CB3 Club takes place on off weeks of CABIN at the same time in the same room. Whereas CABIN tends to be more formal research-driven presentations, CB3 club can serve a variety of different purposes (journal club, roundtable discussion of academic issues, job and career advice). We are happy to receive recommendations for topics/issues you would like to see addressed in CB3 Club
Summer 2019
CB3 Club
June 3rd: The PhD experience (Sverdlik et al., 2018)
June 10th: Using Git
June 17th: R Markdown
July 1st: Applying for grant funding
July 8th: Improving the grad experience
July 15th: Data blitz
July 22nd: Crafting papers for publication (Patriotta 2017)
July 29th: Creating your own website in Github
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