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Explore: Bringing Engineering and Technology to Life (Session 2)

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Love Library South Room: 221
1248 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Directions: 1248 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: LLS
Additional Info: LLS
Target Audiences:
Explore Center, (402) 472-3605,
Join us for food and great conversation as we explore majors and careers related to the environment, food, energy, and human health! Meet faculty, advisers, and students from the Department of Biological Systems Engineering! The department offers three majors (Biological Systems Engineering, Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Systems Technology) with diverse career pathways such as medicine, biomedical technology development, machine design, operations management, environmental consulting, robotics, and more!

Refreshments will be provided. Both sessions will include the same information, so choose the time that works best for you.

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