VO: Outdoor Family Fun Day on the Niobrara
9:00 am –
4:00 pm
Smith Falls State Park
90615 Smith Falls Road
Valentine NE 69201
Valentine NE 69201
Description:From Kristen Maxfield, National Park Service
Outdoor Family Fun Day is a day of activities designed to encourage local youth to enjoy, appreciate, and love the outdoors. Activities in the past have included: canoeing, outdoor cooking, casting/fishing basics, archery, fossil casting, birding, and much more. Visitors will come and go as they please to each activity station except for canoeing, which requires registration first. This annual event draws about 100 visitors each year (and that’s about as many as we can handle!). Please note that this year, there is NO DANCE RECITAL on the same day!
This year’s details:
Date: Saturday, April 21st
Time: open to the public from 11:00-3:00 (presenters/volunteers should expect to be there from about 9:00-4:00).
Location: Smith Falls State Park
As always, I am seeking individuals to:
lead activities (the same as last year or a different one—presenter’s choice),
assist those leading activities,
assist with logistics and registration (those willing to help with registration get extra bonus points!), and,
paddle canoes. Canoe volunteers will take four separate 20-minute floats down the river with 2-3 children/adults in their canoe. Canoe volunteers are not out there on their own: eight canoes will float as a group, and be organized by NPS staff. The canoe floats, in particular, are frequently fast-paced with little time for a break. That said, you are rewarded in kids’ giant smiles!
If you are able to help out this year, please confirm you can attend, let me know if you need an assistant to help, and let me know how many tables, chairs, and other supplies you may need. If you are driving a personal vehicle, rather than an organizational one, please let me know if you need a Nebraska State Parks day pass. We will take care of purchasing that for you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you haven’t helped before, please feel free to call me to get additional details and/or clarification. With your participation, this day is an incredible way to let the outdoors capture the hearts and minds of our children. Thank you so much for your consideration.
402-376-1901, ext 501
Outdoor Family Fun Day is a day of activities designed to encourage local youth to enjoy, appreciate, and love the outdoors. Activities in the past have included: canoeing, outdoor cooking, casting/fishing basics, archery, fossil casting, birding, and much more. Visitors will come and go as they please to each activity station except for canoeing, which requires registration first. This annual event draws about 100 visitors each year (and that’s about as many as we can handle!). Please note that this year, there is NO DANCE RECITAL on the same day!
This year’s details:
Date: Saturday, April 21st
Time: open to the public from 11:00-3:00 (presenters/volunteers should expect to be there from about 9:00-4:00).
Location: Smith Falls State Park
As always, I am seeking individuals to:
lead activities (the same as last year or a different one—presenter’s choice),
assist those leading activities,
assist with logistics and registration (those willing to help with registration get extra bonus points!), and,
paddle canoes. Canoe volunteers will take four separate 20-minute floats down the river with 2-3 children/adults in their canoe. Canoe volunteers are not out there on their own: eight canoes will float as a group, and be organized by NPS staff. The canoe floats, in particular, are frequently fast-paced with little time for a break. That said, you are rewarded in kids’ giant smiles!
If you are able to help out this year, please confirm you can attend, let me know if you need an assistant to help, and let me know how many tables, chairs, and other supplies you may need. If you are driving a personal vehicle, rather than an organizational one, please let me know if you need a Nebraska State Parks day pass. We will take care of purchasing that for you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you haven’t helped before, please feel free to call me to get additional details and/or clarification. With your participation, this day is an incredible way to let the outdoors capture the hearts and minds of our children. Thank you so much for your consideration.
402-376-1901, ext 501
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This event originated in Master Naturalist Volunteer & Continuing Education Opportunities .