CE: Starting Your Native Plant Garden for Pollinators!
7:00 pm –
8:00 pm
Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center
11700 SW 100th St
Denton NE 68339
Denton NE 68339
Starting Your Native Plant Garden with Benjamin Vogt, Monarch Gardens
Are you feeling overwhelmed on how to choose, find, and place native plants in your landscape? We’ll explore various print and online resources from A to B as we understand what are the best flowers for you, and how to research them so you know you’re making the most sustainable and low maintenance choices. We’ll end by designing a small pollinator garden step by step, as well as explore some fundamental principles to a four-season pollinator garden that’s beautiful to you and wildlife.
Ben will have copies of his book, A New Garden Ethic, available for purchase and signing.
Beverages & snacks will be provided.
Part of Nebraska Pollinator Week
Pre-registration is required by June 14, 2018. Please call or email Spring Creek Prairie at 402-797-2301 or as space is limited.
Are you feeling overwhelmed on how to choose, find, and place native plants in your landscape? We’ll explore various print and online resources from A to B as we understand what are the best flowers for you, and how to research them so you know you’re making the most sustainable and low maintenance choices. We’ll end by designing a small pollinator garden step by step, as well as explore some fundamental principles to a four-season pollinator garden that’s beautiful to you and wildlife.
Ben will have copies of his book, A New Garden Ethic, available for purchase and signing.
Beverages & snacks will be provided.
Part of Nebraska Pollinator Week
Pre-registration is required by June 14, 2018. Please call or email Spring Creek Prairie at 402-797-2301 or as space is limited.
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This event originated in Master Naturalist Volunteer & Continuing Education Opportunities .