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CE: Meeting and Soltice Hike @ Boyer Chute

6:30 pm
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge
3720 Rivers Way
Fort Calhoun NE 68023
NEEDS: Bottle(s) of water and insect spray

DIRECTIONS: (See attached map of Boyer Chute)
From Omaha or Blair, take Highway 75 to the southernmost street (Madison Street) within Fort Calhoun city limits. Note sign for Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge. Turn east on Madison Street and proceed to stop sign at “T” intersection (as if you are going to Fort Atkinson). Turn right onto County Road 34 and proceed approximately 3 miles to refuge main gate. Part of road 34 has fallen into the ditch a few years ago, so a section is one lane – be aware of possible traffic.

Once you pass through the main gate (no entrance fee), continue straight until you reach the main parking lot, with pit toilets, a large kiosk, and a sculpture. No water is available – BRING YOUR OWN WATER. This parking lot is the easiest place to gather. We can then walk over the concrete bridge to the trails. Just past the bridge is a small pavilion with picnic tables. I am not aware of any benches along the trails.
Contact: Diane LeDoux, Secretary
River City Chapter, Nebraska Master Naturalists

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