PhD Dissertation Defense-Josephus Borsuah
Insectide Fate and Transport in Rivers Adjacent to Agricultural Intensive Regions
8:00 am –
9:30 am
Tiffany Messer,
Current Use Pesticides (CUPs), which are important for continued productivity within the agricultural industry, exhibit a growing influence on water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Worldwide, over 411,000 kilograms of pesticides (e.g., herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides) are applied annually, leading to chronic pollution in streams and rivers. While substantial work has been completed on the occurrence and distribution of neonicotinoid in both surface and groundwater environmental, little is known on the degradation and transformation of neonicotinoids in natural river environments. Therefore, the overarching goal of this study was to quantify the potential role of two rivers on the photochemical transformation of neonicotinoids and potential fate and transport mechanisms of these insecticides and their degradants in aquatic environments. To evaluate this, we established the following objectives: review the current knowledge of neonicotinoids insecticides in aquatic environments (Chapter 1), evaluate the impact of neonicotinoids fate and transport in watersheds with varying land uses (Chapter 2), and evaluate specific photochemical transformation rates, mechanisms, and byproduct formations of two neonicotinoids (imidacloprid and thiamethoxam) in river water with varying dissolved organic matter (Chapter 3). Findings from this study provide an improved understanding of pesticide and their degradants fate and transport mechanisms in river environments.
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