Finals Fuel
Free coffee from Chancellor Rodney D. Bennett
Recurring Date Info:
Starts at
7:00 am
City and East Campuses Room: Nebraska Union Welcome Desk on City Campus and the Nebraska East Union Starbucks on East Campus
Target Audiences:
The chancellor is providing free drip coffee from Starbucks in the Nebraska and Nebraska East unions during finals week, December 16-20. The coffee will be available at the Nebraska Union Welcome Desk and directly from the Nebraska East Union …
This event originated in University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Social Event
Finals & French Toast
8:00 am –
10:00 am
Hardin Hall
Room: 239 North (Graduate Student Lounge)
Target Audiences:
The SNR Graduate Student Association is supposing a French Toast Breakfast on Wednesday, December 18 from 8 to 10 am in the Graduate Student Lounge in Hardin Hall ( 239 North ).