Free Breakfast and Wellness Profiles (Love Your Heart)
8:00 am –
10:30 am
University Health Center Room: Medical Clinic (level two)
Wellness profiles give a snapshot of your health and detect possible problems. Drop by the health center for this quick blood draw and enjoy a free take-and-go breakfast. FASTING AFTER MIDNIGHT IS REQUIRED.
This event originated in University Health Center.
Exhibit - Multimedia
Retro Gaming: Love Data Week
Recurring Date Info:
8:00 am –
6:00 pm
Love Library North & Link
Room: Link
Calling all Gamers! Get ready to gear up for the biggest battle of retro gaming. For one week Love Library will be celebrating Retro Gaming: Love Data Week with an interactive and educational exhibit. Students will be able to use laptops set up in …
This event originated in Libraries.
Brown Bag Luncheon
Journalistic Integrity in the era of ‘Fake News’
12:00 pm –
1:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Joseph Weber, Jerry and Karla Huse Professor of News-Editorial and associate professor of journalism, will lead a discussion on journalistic integrity.
This event originated in Ethics.
RSO Workshop: True Colors
3:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Platte River Room North
Each of us has our own style, preferences and ways of operating. So how can we all work together? The True Colors Workshop will help participants explore their own distinctive strengths and stressors, and learn to respect and appreciate the different …
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Flyover Performance
7:30 pm
Westbrook Music Building
The third performance of Flyover New Music’s 2019-2020 season, Many Voices, is Whisper. The evening’s performances vary in instrumentation and subject matter. We will travel as far back as Greek mythology and enjoy a piece with emanations of the …
This event originated in New Music.
Ongoing Events
NATIVE VOICES: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness
a Traveling Exhibit
All Day
Love Library South
Room: Second Floor
Vision Maker Media, in partnership with the University Libraries, introduces a new traveling exhibition, Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness, which examines concepts of health and medicine among contemporary American …
This event originated in Libraries.