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SVMBS Research Seminar Series – Dana Nayduch

House flies: vile vectors and revealing reservoirs

4:00 pm
SVMBS Zoom Webinar
Marcia Oetjen,
Please join us for a Zoom seminar presented by Dana Nayduch, Research Leader at USDA-Center for Grain and Animal Health Research. House flies are nuisance pests at all concentrated animal feeding and production operations, where they often flourish due to open access to suitable microbe-rich developmental substrates such as manure piles and other aggregated waste.

House flies are demonstrated reservoirs and mechanical vectors of both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes, which they acquire from these developmental sites and/or from animals and disseminate throughout the production setting. Being synanthropic, flies also disperse from agricultural sites, carrying farm-acquired microbes into human habitation.

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