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February Teaching and Learning Faculty Workshop: Improv for Business (with Harris Smith and Julie Ur

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Hawks Hall 231
Did you know that the same training that helped Tina Fey, Will Ferrell and Melissa McCarthy to become superstars, can be the secret weapon to your business success?

The same skills taught to your favorite actors and comedians are the same ones that top leaders and business executives are using in a highly competitive and unpredictable business environment.

The fast-paced world of business requires us to improvise every day, why not learn how to master it?

In a 75-minute entertaining and inspiring workshop, instructors will learn key principles of improvisation that will impact the growth of their skill set such as:
• communication
• creativity
• listening
• innovation
• teamwork
You will not be “put on the spot” or expected to be “funny,” but rather High-energy and time-tested group exercises will be used that correspond with the principles of improv including:

We’ll explore how the power of “yes” can instantly change the flow and attitude of communication in a meeting, interview and even with a difficult client.

Add Information
After “yes,” you will learn that by “adding information” a project or idea will quickly move forward.

We’ll prove how sharpening “listening” abilities is one of the best ways to be a better communicator.

Avoid Asking Questions
We’ll show how creativity and innovation is strengthened by making statements and taking responsibility for content instead of “asking questions”.

Support Your Partner
With fun exercises exploring “supporting your partner”, we’ll demonstrate how trust is one of the most important keys to every successful team.

Faculty will enjoy an alternative to typical leadership and communications training. This class will emphasize how verbal communication includes both how you deliver a message and how you receive them, tapping into one of the greatest assets of a great leader and communicator.

Harris Smith is the Director for the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. For over 20 years he has taught Acting and Movement. His research focuses on psycho-physical characterization. He has worked as an actor, movement coach and fight choreographer at theatres across the country including, the Tony award winning Utah Shakespeare Festival. He has also played a number of roles for television and film including the Oscar nominated film Runaway Train. He currently serves as a communications coach for New York State Public Defenders Association.

Julie Uribe is an Emmy-award winning producer with over 25 years in front and behind the camera. Her acting highlights include: Perfect Strangers, The Drew Carey Show, Family Matters, Step by Step and General Hospital. Until 2014, she was the SVP of the company that produces American Idol and America’s Got Talent. Julie is also an alum of The Groundlings Sunday Company - the famous improv school in Hollywood of such alums as Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy! Now, a new professor of acting at UNL and 2016 UNL Alumni Master, Julie is back in Lincoln and excited to share her experience at the College of Business.

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This event originated in TLC Instructors.