Nutrient Management Practices and their Co-Benefits
North Central Region Water Network Seminar Series
2:00 pm
Nutrient management practices are critical for reducing nutrient loads downstream. But what about the other benefits nutrient management practices provide outside of water quality improvement? Tune into this month’s The Current webinar to hear about the co-benefits of nutrient management practices including pollinator habitat, carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, and economics. Attendees will learn about the Prairie and Tree Planting Decision Support Tool which helps users plan for planting prairie strips and other vegetation-based conservation practices on the landscape.
Featured Speakers:
Chris Hay, Senior Research Scientist, Iowa Soybean Association
Laura Paine, Outreach Coordinator, Grassland 2.0
John Tyndall, Associate Professor, Iowa State University
Featured Speakers:
Chris Hay, Senior Research Scientist, Iowa Soybean Association
Laura Paine, Outreach Coordinator, Grassland 2.0
John Tyndall, Associate Professor, Iowa State University