Land Application (Manure) Training
Ready, Set, Spread!
9:00 am –
4:00 pm
Rainforth Animal Health
Target Audiences:
Sessions will be held in-person and will include an update on regulations and discussion on how to best use manure on your operation. All-day sessions will meet requirements for Land Application Training, both initial and recertification. Anyone is …
Plant Talk: Planting around Trees
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum to host free Plant Talk webinar about tips for planting around trees on March 6 at 12 noon CT on Zoom.
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Virtual Location:
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Zoom Registration
Target Audiences:
Plant communities under trees provide a living mulch that protects trees from mower damage and over-mulching and benefits wildlife. In this Plant Talk on Thursday, March 6, from 12 to 1 p.m. CT on Zoom, NSA Sustainable Landscape Specialist Sarah …
This event originated in Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.