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Food for Health Seminar Series

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Food Innovation Center (FIC) Room: 277
Directions: NIC public parking information:
Allie Claypool,
Dr. Jason M. Ridlon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, will present at the Food for Health Seminar Series.

About the speaker: Dr. Ridlon received his B.S. degree from Bridgewater College in Virginia in 2002 and moved to Richmond VA first as a lab technician and then to pursue doctoral work (2005-2008) in the laboratory of Phillip B. Hylemon. He received his Ph.D. in 2008. From 2008-2015 he was a postdoctoral fellow at VCU School of Medicine and a Research Microbiologist at the McGuire Veterans Affairs. In 2015, he joined the faculty of Illinois as an assistant professor in the Department of Animal Sciences where he uses diverse techniques including heterologous protein expression, crystallographic robotics, gnotobiotic animal models, and human clinical studies to understand the role of bacterial bile acid and steroid metabolism in human and animal physiology and pathophysiology.

Title: “Elucidating the human sterolbiome”

Talk summary: The human microbiome encodes bile acid and steroid metabolizing enzymes that we refer to as the human sterolbiome. In this way, host-microbe interactions take the form of bi-directional formation and metabolism of signaling molecules. This presentation will describe efforts over the past several years to discover and characterize genes in the sterolbiome and suggest how these genes and pathways affect host and microbial physiology.

Reception: 30 minutes prior
We plan to live stream this via zoom:

If you are interested in scheduling time with these presenters while on campus, please contact Allie Claypool.

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This event originated in Nebraska Food for Health Center.