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Nebraska Winery & Grape Growers Forum and Trade Show

All Day
Kearney Holiday Inn
Paul Read, (402) 472-5136
Join us for the 16th Annual Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Forum and Trade Show at the Kearney Holiday Inn from Feb. 28-March 2, 2013. A great lineup of speakers is being assembled to help us focus on improving our already outstanding grape and wine industry. The theme of the 16th conference is “Growing an Industry.”

When looking over evaluations of previous presentations of the Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Forum and Trade Show, a common thread has been “let’s hear more from local growers, experts, winemakers”, so we have listened and that’s why the 16th Forum’s theme is “Growing an Industry.” The lineup of the speakers for the overall program will include successful Nebraska grape growers, winemakers, grape enthusiasts and experts from Nebraska and neighboring states.

We are also calling for submissions of wines for the competition featuring Nebraska’s best wines to match each course of the banquet. It’s going to be an exciting program filled with great information and the NWGGA’s new Executive Director will provide insights on the state of the industry, as well as coordinating what promises to be a great Trade Show.

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