All events are in Central time unless specified.

Crop Residues on Cow/Calf and Yearling Operations

10:00 am – 3:00 pm
ARDC near Mead, WCREC in North Platte, or view online
Aaron Stalker, (308) 696-6707,
The forage supply is tightening, so what is a cow/calf or yearling operation to do if grass is not available?

Look no further than a cornfield! On June 10th, several short presentations will cover a variety of speakers, from residue use, cornstalk grazing, confinement and limit feeding cows/pairs, market outlook, ammoniating or alkaline treatments of residues, annual forages/cover crops, agronomic considerations, and app and electronic decision support tools.

You can attend 3 ways: in person at North Platte (West Central Research and Extension Center) or near Mead (Agricultural Research and Development Center), or watch online from the comfort of your own computer ( For those attending in person, a $10 fee will cover your lunch. Separate producer panels will be at ARDC and WCREC.

The program starts at 10 am CT and ends at 2:30 pm CT. For more information, contact Lindsay Chichester at 402.624.8007 or Aaron Stalker at 308.696.6707.

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This event originated in UNL Beef.