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Visiting Artist: Althea Murphy-Price

5:30 pm
Richards Hall Room: 15
560 Stadium Dr
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: RH
The Hixson-Lied Visiting Artists & Scholars Lecture Series presents the first lecture of the spring 2016 series. Althea Murphy-Price received her MA in printmaking and painting from Purdue University and her MFA in printmaking from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia. She has exhibited in venues throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Murphy-Price has been an artist in residence at the Frank Lloyd Wright School, University of Hawaii-Hilo, and Vermont Studio Center. Her work has been featured in such publications as Art Papers Magazine, Contemporary Impressions Journal, Art in Print, Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Process, and Printmakers Today. She resides in Tennessee, where she teaches at the Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville.

The Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar Lecture Series is underwritten by the Hixson-Lied Endowment, with additional support from other sources. The program brings notable artists, scholars and designers to UNL; enhancing the education of our students and enriching the culture of the state by providing a way for Nebraskans to interact with luminaries in the fields of art, art history and design.

Every visiting artist or scholar gives at least one major lecture that is open to the public.

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This event originated in Hixson Lied Visiting Artists & Scholars.