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Marinus Pilon — BIOC/RBC Seminar Series

Copper Delivery for Photosynthesis: transporters, regulation by small RNA, & significance of redox-a

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Beadle Center Room: N172
1901 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: BEAD
Hannah Kahler, (402) 472-3173,
“Copper Delivery for Photosynthesis: transporters, regulation by small RNA, and significance of redox-active proteins,” will be presented by Marinus Pilon, Department of Biology, Colorado State University. Pilon’s lab investigates how the photosynthetic machinery in plants acquires the essential metal cofactors copper and iron. These metal ions are required for photosynthesis and thus plant productivity, yet they are toxic at too high concentrations. They use genetics together with whole plant physiology, cell and molecular biology and biochemistry in the model plant Arabidopsis and in poplar to unravel the regulation of copper delivery and the assembly of iron-sulfur clusters in proteins.

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