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Carol A. Casey — Biochemistry/Redox Biology Center Seminar

“Trapping the Fats”: Role of Alcohol in Impaired Lipid Droplet Trafficking and Metabolism in Liver

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Beadle Center Room: N172
1901 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: BEAD
Hannah Kahler, (402) 472-3173,
“”Trapping the Fats”: Role of Alcohol in Impaired Lipid Droplet Trafficking and Metabolism in Liver” to be presented by Dr. Carol A. Casey, Professor of Medicine UNMC, Research Career Scientist, VAMC. I have been actively involved in the field of alcoholic liver injury for the past 25 years, with special emphasis on alcohol’s deleterious effects on protein trafficking. Our laboratory is well known for its contributions in this area, especially on a role for functional asialoglycoprotein receptor in the pathogenesis of liver injury. In particular, I have used in vitro biochemical-based experimentation combined with in vivo animal models to define important effects of toxin (including ethanol) exposure on endocytic internalization and recycling of hepatocyte receptors. In 2009 I received funding through the Challenge program (RC1) to extend our studies to effects of ethanol on the trafficking of lipid droplets. This grant was funded for 2 years as part of a Multiple PI (MPI) application with Dr. Mark McNiven at Mayo, and we recently received a new NIH grant (through September of 2016) in this area of research. Currently, in addition to our work on trafficking of lipid droplets in liver cells, we are examining a link between functional hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor and progression of colon cancer.

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This event originated in Biochemistry.