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CBA Executive Power Breakfast

Donde Plowman - The Art of Negotiation

7:30 am – 9:00 am
Omaha, Neb. Room: TBD
Directions: Registration will begin at 7:15 a.m.
Laura Niles, (402) 472-9580,
Although negotiation pervades every aspect of our lives – and may be the most fundamental skill of effective managers - many of us know little about the strategy and psychology of negotiations. Why do we sometimes get our way, while other times we walk away feeling frustrated by our inability to achieve the agreement we desire? Negotiation is a joint decision-making process whereby two or more people – each seeking to maximize their outcomes - agree on how to allocate scarce resources. In this session participants will be presented with basic negotiation skills that can lead to more effective resolutions to conflict and more effective strategies for influencing and persuading others. Participants will have the opportunity to practice basic negotiation skills and improve their ability to create options for mutual gain.

Additional Public Info:
Price is $95 each, breakfast included.

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