All events are in Central time unless specified.

Saturday, December 11


Farm Beginnings

Launching the Next Generation of Farmers

All Day
Location: Agricultural Research & Development Center, near Mead
Farm Beginnings Nebraska is a farmer-led educational training and support program designed to help people who want to evaluate and plan their farm enterprise.
This event originated in Acreage.

Farmers’ Market Association

9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Kearney Ramada & Convention Center
Nebraska has over 85 Farmers’ Markets! A Farmers’ Market Association can help build networks, link peers and connect farmers’ markets, old and new, with tools and resources for success. By strengthening farmers’ markets we benefit farmers, …
This event originated in UNL Food.

Ongoing Events


Annual Medicare Prescription Drug Check-Up Time Is Here

All Day
Location: Box Butte County Extension Office
Prescription drug plans are mailing the Annual Notice of Change for 2011, as well as, the other plans wanting your business. The number of plans in Nebraska is being reduced. Your plan may be one of those which will be discontinued. The Annual …
This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Box Butte County.