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Brown-bag on Gardens that Reflect Their Owners

“All gardens are a form of autobiography,” Robert Dash.

12:00 pm
Keim Hall Room: 150
1825 N 38th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: KEIM
A brown-bag session on gardens as reflections of their owners. “Gardens definitely reflect their owners and caregivers,” says Justin Evertson, landscape specialist for the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. Gardens offer space for freedom, experimentation and creativity and can reflect whether someone is neat and tidy or has a bit of wildness in them. Our gardens reveal what we’re into. Evertson encourages gardeners to bring thoughts and photos for a free-ranging discussion of their own gardens. “Thankfully there’s no one right way or our gardens would be cookie-cutter clones of each other,” Evertson said. “How boring that would be.”
Anyone wishing to listen in can take part online at: The presentations are also available afterwards at This is part of a brown-bag series on “all things green” sponsored by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL Garden Friends and Friends of Maxwell Arboretum.

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This event originated in Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.