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Information Session

7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make Online Webinar

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Web Seminar
Career Services, (402) 472-3145,

Alumni Career Webinar Series

Wednesday, February 6th from 8-9 PM EDT
7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make Online

with Joshua Waldman

Webinar Overview

Social media tools and and participation in online communities is rapidly becoming an important part of the job search process. But first, you have to know the mistakes job seekers make online and what you need to do to avoid making the same mistakes.

In this webinar, Social Media Job Search Expert Joshua Waldman will take you on a humorous odyssey of the 7 follies of online job searching. Joshua’s 7 tips will help you network more professionally, develop a strong personal brand, and online “thought leadership”.

Joshua will answer the following questions:
1.Why should I even bother using social media for anything other than chatting with old high-school buds?
2.This stuff changes so fast, how can I possibly stay on top of it all?
3.How can I truly leverage my network to find work fast?

Presenter: Joshua Waldman

Joshua Waldman, MBA, is a consultant and entrepreneur who teaches technology and marketing skills to job seekers to help them get noticed and ultimately find jobs.

He has been using social media to enhance his career and the careers of others since 2006 and has worked with unemployment office staff, MBA career center staff, and countless unemployed and frustrated job seekers. He founded the Career Enlightenment blog in 2009 with the mission of helping job seekers break away from outdated and ineffective job-searching strategies.

Joshua’s blog content has been featured on top career sites, including the International Business Times, Simply Hired blog,, and Exclusive extras and more resources for this book can be found at

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This event originated in Business Career Center.