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Executive Power Lunch with Dr. Tammy Beck

Making Work Matter: Finding Passion at Work

11:30 am – 1:00 pm
TD Ameritrade Headquarters
200 S 108th Avenue
Omaha NE
Laura Niles, (402) 472-9580,
Everyone wants a job that plays to personal strengths and aligns with their values and passions. Join Dr. Tammy Beck, associate dean and associate professor of management, as she discusses how job crafting provides individuals with a method for viewing and reshaping their jobs in ways to make such alignment a reality. Workplaces embracing job crafting find employees at all levels become reenergized in the workplace, thereby raising productivity and job satisfaction. This process can help individuals find greater meaning in their work and also offers them the ability to cope with future adversity. Attendees will leave with an action plan to help map and implement job crafting at their workplace.

CBA Executive Power Events provide knowledge, skills and the tools required to improve leadership and performance capabilities and position professionals and businesses for growth in our increasingly competitive economy. CBA invites local business community members to learn from our renowned faculty experts who will present timely topics in a best practices format in 90-minute Executive Power Events. Cost for the event is $95, meal included.

TD Ameritrade Headquarters are located at 200 S. 108th Ave., Omaha, Neb. Please use the South Parking area and Visitors Entrance for accessing the facility.

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This event originated in College of Business.