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Debate/Panel Discussion

SCTL Club Cyberbullying Panel: Gamergate, Revenge Porn, Photo Leaks

The Impact on Individuals, Society, and in the Law

12:10 pm
Law College Room: Court Room
Elsbeth Magilton, (402) 472-1662,
The Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law (SCTL) Club will be hosting a panel on Cyberbullying in the Court Room.

The panel will address multiple issues, including discussion of Gamergate, the recent celebrity nude photo leaks, “revenge porn,” and the impact these events have on individuals involved, society generally, and legally.

The panel includes bullying expert and UNL Department of Educational Psychology Associate Professor Susan M. Swearer ( ), and our own telecommunications, media, and communications experts Professor Gus Hurwitz and Professor Richard Dooling. 3L student Danielle Miller, president and founder of the SCTL club, will moderate the panel.

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This event originated in Space, Cyber, and Telecom Law.