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Asteroid Day

6:00 pm – 7:45 pm
University of Nebraska Mueller Planetarium
Elsbeth Magilton, 472-1662,
On the eve of asteroid day, June 29th, the University of Nebraska College of Law Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law Program and University of Nebraska State Museum, Morrill Hall, are excited to partner for a special event 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. in recognition of Asteroid Day and how law and policy play an important role in global efforts to track asteroids. Following her welcome, the shortened discovery science version of the official Asteroid Day film “51 Degrees North” will be shown, followed by two fulldome planetarium shows - “Firefall” and B612 Sentinel Program.”
6:00 p.m.: Welcome and Introduction from Elsbeth Magilton
6:15 p.m.: 51 Degrees North, the official Asteroid Day film
7:00 p.m.: Firefall and B612 Sentinel
7:35 p.m.: Adjourn

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